We all expect amazing pictures at the beginning of the creation of a new life. To not miss the perfect time for capturing the life-changing moments, you wonder when is the best time for maternity photoshoot.

A maternity photo session should take place when you are between 27- 36 weeks pregnant, this is the perfect time when your bump is round and cute. This period you still have a high bump before the baby starts lowering, and you can take some walks outdoors or spend some time in a studio and not be overwhelmed.
Reading on, you’ll find out all the most common questions and answers about the maternity photo shoot.
When To Book Your Maternity Photoshoot
You will find some photographers advising you to book the session after the first scan, somewhere between 18-20 weeks.
Pregnancy flows differently for every woman, that’s why having the photo session between 27 to 30 weeks it’s a guideline.
During those weeks you already have a beautiful belly but not too big, and you are energetic enough to resist a few hours of photo shooting.
You probably have favourite photographers which you are following for years on social media and trust him.
Start by asking them photographers first, as you have already seen their work.
Usually, their policy is easy to find on the website where you can check without even ringing them.
Does the photographer offer the dress for the session?

In many cases, photographers specialized in maternity photo sessions will have a range of apparels in their studio already.
Some clients prefer to rent out a dress for a day, and there are a lot of options you can look for.
However, any outfit can work well in maternity photography. You can discuss with the photographer prior and pick up something from your wardrobe, which will work out brilliantly.
I have never posed in front of the camera, what should I do?
You don’t need to worry about first of all, as soon as you arrive at the photo studio photographers are in charge of everything.
The photographer is directing the whole process, don’t forget to breathe and let him/her guide you through the session.
You will learn as you go, as the photographer will be showing everything: starting from the position of the body, how to keep your hands, legs, and where to look.
That’s why you will not just look good in photos, but beautiful!
On the questions like; – Does the belly going to make me look fat?
The answer is; at the end, you will look gorgeous, happy and a powerful woman.
Just don’t forget to breathe, relax and trust your photographer.
What should I wear at the maternity photo session?
Many of us have a couple of dresses in the wardrobe, which we rarely had a chance to wear but looks ideal for a maternity photoshoot, try them all.
Some photographers will have a range of dresses designed to highlight the belly, check with yours if he/she has.
You can also consider bringing in a white shirt and a couple of wide jeans which gives you more freedom when posing in case you want to sit down.
The husband does not like to pose. What should I do?

A maternity photoshoot like many others is a voluntary activity, and you should not force your husband or kids to do it.
The partner will not smile, the kids won’t cooperate, and it will be a struggle for you and for the photographer to obtain natural results.
When the husband does not look interested in participating, you can prepare him in advance by showing pictures from maternity photo sessions on Pinterest.
Many men don’t have a clue how cute the picture will be at the end; that’s why Pinterest will help you a lot.
If he still doesn’t want to, take him with you in the studio anyway.
After admiring you for an hour or two, he might change his mind and join you at the end of the session when the photographer finished with you.
Have a outfit ready for him;)
And when you receive the pictures, the new daddy will be grateful that he took part in such an affair, a memory which will last a lifetime.
Hair and Makeup
To make this day even more joyful for you, book an appointment with your hairstylist and makeup artist.
The album will be with you forever, and you would want to love how you look in them, that’s why the makeup and hairstyle is an important moment as well.
Whichever at the salon or yourself don’t go too far; no buns, large curls or smokies, just something light to feel the most beautiful woman at the same time.
Most probably there will be some pictures with your hands on the belly, so don’t forget your nails will need some attention also.
Studio or Outdoors maternity photo session, what should I choose?
If in your country sunny days are usual, you should consider outdoor photo sessions. If your photographer is local, he will take you to the best places that he knows like parks, fields and gardens.
Some impressive pictures can be done in the afternoon after 5 o’clock, but as we know, many times the weather has different plans.
That’s why many photographers always have a plan B, which will be his/her studio or renting out one for a couple of hours.
The advantages of the photo session in the studio:
- Comfortable atmosphere,
- Good quality lighting,
- No depending on the weather,
- And there can be some improvisation with the decoration
Pregnancy photoshoot with older siblings

No all the times this part of the session is enjoyable as we expect it to be, as we all know the kids are different.
Some of them are more attached to the mum and are willing to pose and listen to you when others will be running around and won’t let the mum relax fully.
It can be an excellent idea to bring the kids at the end of the photoshoot that can allow you to stay calm and relax during the process.
How to find a good maternity photographer
Start looking for a photographer well in advance. The number of photographers increased like never before, and some of them are expensive just because of their experience and brand name.
You need some time to check out the galleries to talk to them, checking the feedback from the previous clients, looking into what they offer for the money they charge.
Patience is the key at this stage, don’t rush with the booking of the first photographer you found on the Internet.
Some photographers are just starting out, and they already make a masterpiece out of their photos. These enthusiasts are relatively cheap, but you still can get some fantastic images done which won’t make any difference with top photographers.
Maternity Photoshoot pricing
Same as in any part of photography it varies between professionals, can be as little as $200 and up to a couple of thousand dollars.
The difference is experience, brand name, gear and skills they have, which you can easily spot by their website and social media.
By summarizing the article, I would say; start preparing early for your maternity photoshoot. Take your time searching and analyzing all the photographers out there before booking a photo session.
Make sure the photo shooting is in between 27-36 weeks of your pregnancy. Prepare your husband and your kids for the session.
Research on YouTube about posing in front of a camera, so when it comes to the shooting, you will surprise yourself and the photographer.
I hope this article answered the question you’ve had about maternity photoshoots, don’t forget to follow me on social media and I wish you the very best.
Related question
When to book a newborn photoshoot?
It’s always a good idea to book it well in advance because the time-frame of the photo shooting is small, between the 4-14 days of the baby’s life.
Also, most of the photographers have a hectic schedule, and you don’t want to miss out on your baby.
Is it newborn photography safe?
Usually, newborn photographers who have been in the industry for years and years are highly skilled and safe professionals, who have a lot of experience. These are moms, and rarely dads who have got quite a few first aid and child safety courses done through their career.
Is it newborn photography worth it?
It’s always worth taking professional newborn photography pictures, not just because of the experience, gear and an artist’s eye that the photographer has. But also for the high-quality photos that a professional camera can take, which you can print out on a large scale and won’t lose quality.