Buying it or creating your own, you want to make sure you have the best bean bag size for newborn photography.
This article will answer this and many other questions probably you’ve had when thinking about bean bags for newborn photography.

So, what is the correct size of a bean bag for baby photo shooting? Between 40-45″ in diameter and 13-15″ height for a studio bean bag, in cases when is more than one baby posing and you want plenty of space. For the travel size bean bag, you can consider 25-30″ in diameter and 12-14″ hight which can fit in the mid-size car.
Of course, there are much more questions when it comes to buying or crafting the bean bag for photo shooting the babies. Let’s dive in together!
The typical bean bags sizes for newborn photography
If you have plenty of space available, you should look into having a bigger bean bag if it’s possible.
Your business will be growing, and most probably will have tweens or even triplets coming to your studio.
With a larger bean bag, you will not be worried about the contingency of little models coming at the same time to photo sessions.
With an increasing demand for baby photography in your future career, some customers will be willing to have a photo shoot at their home.
In this case, you will need a small bean bag that can fit in your car when you take all the equipment with you.
Commonly used bean bags for the studio are in the rage of 40-45″ diameter and 13-15″ height.
Mobile bean bags you can look at the size range of 25-30″ in diameter and 10-12″ hight, might be slightly smaller if you are struggling with the space in your car.
Whichever buying or creating the bean bag, double-check in advance the backdrop stand what you have prepared for it, you don’t need a bean bag that won’t fit into your backdrop stand.
How do you use a bean bag for newborn photography?
The bean bag
Finally, you have a bean bag, and you’re happy with it, make sure the beanbag it’s not too soft allowing the baby to sink too deep in it.
The floor
In case the floor is slippery, you might consider using a rubber layer between the floor and bean bag to make sure the whole it won’t slide.
The blankets
You can even use a thin rubber layer between beanbag and blankets to stop sliding from the top.
Then you lay the blankets on top and if you are struggling with the wrinkles, use the backdrop stand.
The backdrop stand for newborn photography will help you to get rid of wrinkles by straightening the blankets when you fix them all around whit clamps.
Many newborn photographers are using a heating pad under the blankets to make sure the baby will be warm enough.
It’s entirely up to you to use the heating pad or just a heater as long as you feel the surface is warm for newborn the baby.
Can you use a regular bean bag for newborn photography?
If you are starting out, probably the budge doesn’t allow to whip out with the credit card, you start thinking on some alternatives.
In this case, any bean bag should be alright as long as it is safe and comfy for the baby.
The difference from the professional bean bag and the normal one is the way they are filled with beans and the shape of it.
In some of them, the baby might sink into the beanbag too deep and can be a bit harder to work.
However, everything is achievable, even with the standard bean bag from Walmart or Amazon.
Where can I buy a bean bag for newborn photography?
You can start with Amazon; there are many shops selling beanbags for newborn photography, here are a few what I found Amazon.
When I was researching bean bags online, I found the most quality ones on Etsy.
Etsy, it’s a huge online market place where handmade creators are selling their products.
Some of the brands which are on the market for years are selling on their private websites.
Most of the shops selling the bean bag only, the bean filing you have to buy it separately.
How do you fill a baby bean bag?
When buying the bean bag usually comes with an inner bag(elastic netting) which you need to fill with beans.
For example, a 42″ diameter and 12” high bean bag, you’re looking to fill between about 4-5 bags of 3.5 cubics of beans.
If you have trouble with filling the bag with beans here are a few tips;
1. Cut a hole in the plastic bag (about 7″ long)
2. Put the plastic bag inside the bean bag netting
3. Squeeze the beans out – try not to shake it too much
4. After the plastic bag is empty, there will be some beans stuck inside. Turn the plastic inside out and emptied the remaining beans in the big box they came in.
5. Use some hangers and hang the netting with beans and get the rest of the beans from the box (in case you don’t want to waste anything).
If you don’t hang the bag, it’s going to be challenging to add the remaining beans, plus the hanger keeps the bag open for you.
It’s easy enough to do it by yourself without having a big mess.
How full should a bean bag be?
Well, until you happy the way it looks. Some photographers prefer to have it as full as possible, tight, that won’t be too many wrinkles and any empty corners.
Doesn’t matter how full it is, even if it is very tight filled the baby will be sinking a little bit anyway because of the nature of the beans.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you, and you can compare with the ones which you see online and fill the bean bag until it looks right for you.
What is the best fabric for a bean bag for newborn photography?
If you want to create it yourself and you don’t know what material to use, the best option is the faux leather fabric.
Faux leather is water-resistant and very durable, it can withstand scratches and scrapes that allows a long life to your bean bag.
How do you use posing beans for newborn photography?
Posing beans (pillow) are commonly used to support the baby’s body during the newborn photo session.
Posing beans are a different size curved pillow, relatively small what photographers are placing underneath the layers of the backdrop.
Depending on the pose, you will use a specific pillow to support the baby’s head, back and but in the safest manner.
Bellow, I have a demonstration video for you from Fenna&Photography youtube channel, a newborn photographer from the Netherlands which inspires me every time.
It is a very helpful video which I encourage you to have a look
How do you make a new backdrop stand?
The backdrop stand probably is the most accessible piece of newborn photographer gear to DIY.
All you need is PVC pipes, L and T-shape connectors in where the pipes will fit in, and then need to join them all.
Here I won’t go too much in details; I got a video tutorial from another newborn photographer, The Milky Way.
She shows in a short video of how to DIY an inexpensive backdrop stand.
I hope the article did help you in your journey as a newborn photographer, and now you have an idea on what size to look for that will fulfil your needs. Please check out my blog sections for me related and helpful pieces of information.
I wish you the best of luck!
Related Questions
What props do I need for newborn photography?
As the newborn photography industry is booming, every single photographer trying to be unique, the variety of props is enormous.
Starting from basic like; bowls, baskets, wrapping blankets, hats and continuing with; small toys, planes, cars, cakes etc.
You can improvise here big time as long as the baby is kept safe at all times.